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Case Studies


Designing delightful products users love

It is believed that all decisions made by customers are governed by emotions. Experts in marketing are aware that people make buying…


Designing progress of the high-expectation

Build products for people who will benefit the most from your product.It is believed that all decisions made by customers are governed...


Resilient product design principles

Designers have the power to mitigate climate change. We will change the trajectory of global warming if we design for resilience.


UX as a byproduct of existential marketing

In a childish world, significance is more and more being sold to childish peoplepeople who will benefit the most from your product.It is believed that all decisions made...

How to be a triangle-shaped designer

Triangle shaped design is completely based on the People, Problem and Business, in which a good design solution always lies in the centre.


The power of visual in product design

How visual elements affect our perception, recognition and memory by interacting with digital products. 7 tips to thrive as a creative in a corporate environment

“Successful Design Is Not The Achievement Of Perfection But The Minimization And Accommodation Of Imperfection.”


Being a design leader without the title

Triangle shaped design is completely based on the People, Problem and Business, in which a good design solution always lies in the centre.

Stop designing products for random people

How visual elements affect our perception, recognition and memory by interacting with digital products. 7 tips to thrive as a creative in a corporate environment

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