Painting is an illusion, a piece of magic, so what you see is not.
Do activities you passionate about which make your heart soul perky including things like working out cooking, painting writing, yoga, hiking, walking.When draw or paint tree, you do not imitate the tree; you do not copy it exactly as it is, which would mere photography. To be free to paint a tree or a flower or a sunset, you have to feel what it conveys to you: the significance.
Out cooking, painting writing, yoga, hiking, walking.When you draw or paint a tree, do not imitate the tree; you do not copy it exactly as it is, which would be mere photography. To be free to paint tree or a flower or a sunset, you have to feel what it conveys to you: the significance.

Do activities you passionat about which make your heart soul perky including thing like working out cooking, painting writing, yoga, hiking, walk hen draw paint tree, you not imitate the tree; you do not copy it exactly as it is, which would mere photography. To be free to paint a tree or a flower or a sunset.
Do activities you passionate about which make your heart soul perky including things like working out cooking, painting writing, yoga, hiking, walking.When draw or paint tree, you do not imitate the tree; you do not copy it exactly as it is, which would mere photography. To be free to paint a tree or a flower or a sunset, you have to feel what it conveys to you: the significance.
Out cooking, painting writing, yoga, hiking, walking.When you draw or paint a tree, do not imitate the tree; you do not copy it exactly as it is, which would be mere photography. To be free to paint tree or a flower or a sunset, you have to feel what it conveys to you: the significance.
Robison Croso
11th December, 2018
“Design must be functional, and functionality translated visual aesthetics without any reliance on gimmicks that have to be explained. Design must be functional, and function ality must be translated into.”|